Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Owl Ariyaamo?

Sept 19
Had a strange dream of a TV broadcast: train carriage with people trapped in cars beneath as then camera focuses in on petrified faces in vehicles just as weight becomes too much & crushes all below - woke in sweat, maybe because of heat but dream vision freaked me out.

A new resident in the bathroom is a shy ghecko. I know he's there, and i know that he knows i know he's there, and i know that he knows that i know that he knows that i know he's there (etc.....) Have tried unsuccessful (thus far!) attempt at communication. He doesn't speak any language i am familiar with. w/e flashback remember drunken attempt to coax fruitbats down from palms on Saturday. I felt the Albino dialect worked best with this regions variety.

Cook taught me 'Shamikkanam' which means sorry. I thought he wanted me to apologise for my behaviour, but having just finished eating today's concoction think it was more of an advance warning! - RIP Mr PoopooLoo (again!) i suspect - no wonder Ghecko hides.....

Final Malayalam for the day, especially for the boys in rm2 - English Ariyaamo.......Do you speak English?


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